Virtual Pharmacy Assistant

Get a full-time outsourced Virtual Pharmacy Assistant. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Virtual Pharmacy Assistant to be successful in their role?

The Virtual Pharmacy Assistant, is a professional and certified pharmacist who remotely provides prescription processing. The Virtual Pharmacy Assistant report to pharmacist team leader or directly to the hospital or healthcare company. Working under the supervision of pharmacy technicians and pharmacists, The Virtual Pharmacy Assistant typically take care of the administrative side of the pharmacy such as counting medication, labeling bottles, taking customer phone calls.  The Virtual Pharmacy Assistant so assist licensed pharmacists with selling medication to patients in retail pharmacy drugstores. The Virtual Pharmacy Assistant role can be similar to that of the pharmacy technician. However, Virtual Pharmacy Assistant have fewer technical responsibilities and focus more on the clerical aspects of keeping their pharmacy operating efficiently.

Virtual Pharmacy Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Support development of new pharmacy product offerings.
  • Care evolution of new dispensaries across the organization.
  • Assist with obtaining pricing for on-site dispensary medications.
  • Credential dispensing clinician upon review of clinician certifications.
  • Apply for provider dispensing license.
  • Assess, analyze and enter medications for dispensation.
  • Support with seeking approval for prescription alternatives.
  • Accommodate failed claims.
  • Help in information on reimbursements.

Virtual Pharmacy Assistant Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in business, pharmacy or related field.
  • Solid ability to train or teach complex concepts
  • Excellent presentation skills.
  • Understanding of generic and branded drugs.
  • Can comprehend medical abbreviation in prescriptions.
  • A high degree of computer literacy.
  • Above average skills in both verbal and written communication.
  • Knowledge of medical, pharmaceutical and health insurance terminology.

Virtual Pharmacy Assistant – US & Can

Virtual Pharmacy Assistant – USA & Canada. Looking to hire a Virtual Pharmacy Assistant? Take a look at our Job Descriptions Board. Remoto Workforce US.

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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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