Here’s a Job Checklist of What Great Job Ads Look Like

Job ads are important for many reasons. Do you want to enhance your recruiting? Read this job checklist and take your recruitment to the highest point.
REMOTO WORKFORCE Team I Updated on - December 20, 2022

Are you a recruiter or HR specialist in need of an effective way to create job listings that stand out? If so, it’s essential to know the key elements needed for a great job ad. Crafting interesting postings is vital in order to capture the attention of interested and qualified candidates.

Using this list of points can help ensure that your job post will be impactful and increase applicant engagement. So read on for valuable tips about what makes an exceptional job ad!


Craft the Perfect Description Ahead of Time

Crafting the perfect job description ahead of time can make the recruiting process much easier. Here are some simple steps you should consider in your checklist to create effective job posts.


Research The Market for Your Job Position 

Before writing your job description, it’s important to understand the market and workplace you are hiring for. Researching similar positions’ industry standards and qualifications can help you determine what your company should expect from applicants.

Knowing industry standards will also give employers an idea of what they should pay their employees and how competitive they need to be in order to attract quality talent.


Identify Job Requirements 

Once you have established industry standards, it’s time to determine what specific requirements or qualifications your position requires. Think about both required qualifications (such as a degree or certifications) and preferred qualifications (such as experience in a certain field).

This step is key because having clear expectations will make it easier for employers to identify qualified candidates efficiently. 


Identify Benefits Your Candidate Will Get 

Besides listing job requirements, it’s important to emphasize the benefits that potential employees will get from working at your company. Consider factors such as salary, vacation days, health insurance, retirement plans, flexible hours, and more when crafting your job description.

These perks can be very attractive for prospective candidates if listed clearly and concisely in your job description. 

To learn more about how to craft a great job ad, watch this video


Add Relevant Preferred and Required Qualifications 

Once you have determined what qualities are necessary for a successful candidate, include these requirements in the body of your job description so they are clear and easily understood by potential applicants.

Be sure to include both required and preferred qualifications so that even those who do not meet all the criteria may still apply if they feel they bring valuable skills or experience that could benefit the company.  


Create An Engaging Title To Captivate Your Candidates 

The title of your job posting is often overlooked but can be just as important as any other part of your advertisement!

A clever or engaging title can draw attention from potential applicants while accurately describing the position available—something like “Marketing Manager with Killer Creative Skills Wanted” would surely capture someone’s eye!  


Make Your Job Description Concise and Impactful  

Be sure to keep all information relevant and concise; this includes avoiding unnecessary words or phrases that may distract readers from understanding exactly what type of candidate is needed for this role.

Consider using action words like “coordinate” or “supervise” within descriptions instead of “responsible for” or “manage”. These words grab people’s attention more quickly! You can also research engaging keywords for describing roles and responsibilities in a job position to make your writing clear.              

Prioritizing the construction of a sophisticated job description can streamline the recruiting procedure significantly.

Streamlining the Job Posting Process

If you want to make your job posting processes more efficient, you’ll want to add streamlining methods to your checklist. With these three simple steps, you can streamline job postings and make them easier to manage.

Decide Who Will Receive the Candidates’ Documentation

One of the most important steps in streamlining your job posting process is deciding who will receive the candidate’s documentation. This could be an internal team member or an external recruiter specializing in finding qualified talent.

Having an individual or group responsible for collecting and reviewing resumes, cover letters, references, and other documents will help ensure that each applicant is considered fairly. Plus, having someone dedicated to this task will free up time for other recruiting activities


Create an Enticing Strategy for Potential Hires

Once you’ve established who will receive candidate documents, it’s time to think about how to attract potential hires to your company. You want candidates who possess the skills and experience and are passionate about their work.

To create an enticing strategy that resonates with potential hires, consider the perks you added in the job description, including: 

  • Salary range;
  • Benefits packages;
  • Vacation days;
  • Flexible hours or working-from-home options
  • Career development opportunities.  


Communicate with Your Candidates Promptly

Finally, when you have identified a potential hire, it’s important to communicate promptly and keep them engaged throughout the hiring process.

A simple email or phone call that lets them know their application has been received and a timeline for when they should expect feedback can go a long way in building trust with candidates and showing them that your company values their time and effort.

Additionally, you may want to provide regular updates on any changes to the timeline or status of their candidacy, as this will show transparency on behalf of your company while helping build rapport with potential employees. 

To heighten the efficiency of your job postings, be sure to add streamlining measures to your checklist.


Job postings are important for so many reasons. They help you weed out unqualified candidates; they give candidates a better understanding of what the job entails, and they can be used to gauge whether someone will be a good fit for your company culture.

By following the checklist above, you can create great job ads that attract high-quality talent and make your life easier in the long run.


Our company is a full-service staffing agency specializes in outsourcing remote employees based in Mexico. A business model designed for US companies.

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